Swimming Survival Guide
Welcome to the exciting world of swimming! By joining Kingfish your child has become a member of one of the country’s largest, most organized, and competently coached youth sports. In this section there are tips to help acquaint you with the sport of competitive swimming. With a beginning comprehension of what is going on and a willingness to lend a hand, you will have a great impact on your child’s athletic environment, and his/her love of swimming. There are many benefits to participating in the sport of swimming:
- Meeting terrific people – many swimming buddies become lifelong friends
- Beneficial exercise for cardiovascular and overall fitness
- Life skills including time management, self-discipline and sportsmanship
- Fun!
Remember that not every swimmer becomes a world record holder, but everyone can gain from his or her swimming experience! The best way to help your child achieve goals and reduce the natural fear of failure is through positive reinforcement. No one likes to make a mistake. If your child does make one, remember that this is a learning experience. You and your child should learn to treat success and failure as le
arning experiences and not life changing situations. Encourage your child’s efforts and point out the positive things. The coach is the one you have assigned to judge a swimmer’s performance and technique. Your role is to provide love and support regardless of outcome. We suggest you read Parent and Coach…The Other Stuff. This is an informative article, which is posted on USA Swimming and helps parents understand how involved with the “swimming” aspect they should become.
Parental involvement is crucial to every club, especially Kingfish. We are always looking for volunteers to help with swim meets, coordinate social events and organize fundraising. There are unlimited opportunities to get involved to help in almost any capacity. The rewards are meeting new people, making new friends and having that great feeling that you have helped one of the organizations in which volunteers are the most important people. Give volunteering a try. Any contribution you can make will be appreciated. When volunteer emails are sent out, we strongly encourage you to jump in and lend a hand because you are not only benefiting yourself, but you are also being a positive role model for your child.