We have a little less than a few weeks before Championship season begins!
Regionals are in Framingham at Keefe Tech Feb 9-11 

10U Champs are at UNH in Durham NH  2/24-2/25

15-18 AG Champs are in Worcester at WPI   3/2-3/4

11-14 AG Champs are at BU in Boston 3/8-3/11
Silvers are in Rhode Island at URI  March 16-18 

All meets are requiring us to have entries submitted  NOW!   It is assumed that ALL competitive swimmers  that have qualified for events in championship meets will be in attendance and participating  completely!    Additionally, all swimmers attending are expected to stay the entirety of the meet each day you have an event until the end of the session.  Relays are done at the end and everyone is needed and expected to participate.  If there happens to be an extenuating circumstance that would prevent Coach Craft from entering your swimmer into one or many days of any of the meets coming up we need to be notified immediately.

All of the above meets are listed on NE Swim at link below:


Feel free to go to actual meet packet and listing of events if you are wondering when exactly your swimmer will be swimming their events.

 PLEASE NOTE:  REC swimmers  will NOT be entered into any of these meets unless you specifically request to be!  If you think your swimmer has qualified please check with your coach and notify me if they would like to be entered.

Any questions at all regarding any of the above information feel free to call me or email me.
