> Just a few informational items for the meet this Sunday at Kingsbury Club, Kingston.
> Warmups will be at 7am, Sunday morning. Please be at the pool by 645a so groups can be assigned lanes for warmups.
> All swimmers can be dropped off in front of the club however, all cars must park either in the vacant lot next to the club or the Rockland trust parking lot. This rule is strictly enforced so that club members are not inconvenienced. Please pay attention to these requests.
> Any family that is dropping items off for the concession stand should bring them to the length of tables set up to the left of the revolving when you walk out on deck. Holly Cristofaro will be accepting all items that people signed up for prior to start of meet.
> These dual meets run fairly smooth and quick so we should be done by or a bit before noon. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.
> I’ve attached the entry again below.
Lynn ONeil
Team Administrator
Kingfish Swimming